Straight lines and lush planting

Straight lines and lush planting garden

This garden had great bones. The client had already installed a garden room and pergola, screens at the rear and stone filled gabions as the boundary. 2 small beds had been created between rows of terracotta brick pavers and many plants in beautifully selected pots. What was missing, was plants! A desire to fill this south facing garden with tropical leafy plants and hot coloured blooms worked well with the terracotta pavers and it gets the heat for them to thrive.

We chose a mix of large leaved Fatsia, two striking banana plants and brightly coloured phormiums. Red hot pokers, salvia and echinacea bring more pops of colour, and lavender and rosemary run in a low hedge along the path, sharing their scent as you pass. 

We also extended the path to link up with the existing deck, and added in vertical screens to create a private sun bathing nook surrounded by plants. 

With thanks to Ian Deadmarsh for his help with installing the screens and paving.